
Campus will be closed on Monday, March 31 and Tuesday, April 1 (Eid-ul-Fitr). Classes will resume on Wednesday, April 2.

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The English as an Additional Language (EAL) program serves students from Grades 1-10 who require additional language support to help them access the mainstream material. Students who require language support are identified in the Admission process and referred for further assessment. 

Learning both content and language is a formidable challenge.  With specialized instruction in the English Development Classes (EDP) in Elementary School and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) classes in Middle School and High School, students are well equipped to meet this challenge.

The EAL program at ISM is designed to help language learners access the grade level curriculum.  

EAL instruction at ISM is an integral part of each grade level from Grades 1-10 and supports a sheltered immersion model. In this model of teaching and learning, language specialists work alongside classroom teachers and content specialists to deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all language learners.


At International School Manila, we believe that...
  • All students are learning English, either as a home language or as an additional language. 
  • All languages and cultures are seen as assets and the foundation for meaningful learning.
  • Language learning is a shared responsibility, and all teachers are language teachers.
  • A safe, supportive, stimulating learning environment fosters language learning.
  • Language is learned best in authentic contexts.
The EAL Program...
  • Is flexible and responsive to individual student needs.
  • Provides opportunities for learners to acquire the language skills needed for success.
  • Allows students to engage with academic content.
  • Encourages students to engage with their peers in authentic and meaningful contexts.
  • Ensures that all students have access to the curriculum.

To be accepted into the program, students are expected to meet the ISM admission and minimum language competency requirements for their specific grade levels.

Elementary School
Middle School
High School

Elementary School

The EAL Program in the Elementary School is an integral part of each grade level from Kindergarten to Grade 4. Each grade level has a designated EAL specialist teacher who works as a part of the team of teachers in three ways:

  • As a resource to the team in planning for and meeting the language needs of the EAL children in the mainstream classes;
  • As an EAL teacher providing language lessons in a separate class for our identified EAL children who require support to access the curriculum;
  • As a collaborative teaching partner working with the mainstream teachers to deliver EAL inclusion.

Middle School

Our program ensures that students have access to the mainstream curriculum as well as meaningful interactions with their English-speaking peers. In this sheltered-immersion model of teaching and learning, language specialists and content specialists work together to ensure that all language learners are given the support they need to access the curriculum. EAL teachers and content teachers co-plan and co-teach lessons that integrate language and content. 


English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

All EAL students are enrolled in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) class. This is an intensive course that provides students with explicit instruction, academic language and specialized support. The EAP class replaces the Modern Language option.


Sheltered-Instruction English

Designed for emergent multilinguals in the developing stages of English language acquisition, this class uses instructional approaches that make English content comprehensible for English language learners and transitions students to grade-level English classes.

High School

International School Manila provides an EAL program for Grade 9 and 10 students who need specialized language support and instruction. Our program supports an inclusive model of language learning and teaching, in which language acquisition experts work collaboratively with content experts in Science, Math, History and Geography. In addition to this in-class support, EAL students also receive direct instruction in the English for Academic (EAP) classes in Grade 9 and 10.


Sheltered-Instruction English

Designed for emergent multilinguals in the developing stages of English language acquisition, this class uses instructional approaches that make English content comprehensible for English language learners and transitions students to grade-level English classes.


At ISM, we recognize the importance of maintaining and developing literacy skills in student’s home languages. Research has shown that children who are competent in their home languages are able to transfer those skills to additional languages (Cook, 1990; Dolson 1985). 

Further, the School believes that:

  • Multilingualism provides students with concrete cognitive and metalinguistic benefits in the long term.
  • Well developed literacy in home languages is a positive advantage in learning English.
  • Maintenance of home languages facilitates family, peer and community relationships in addition to the development of self–esteem and identity in children.