
Campus will be closed on Monday, March 31 and Tuesday, April 1 (Eid-ul-Fitr). Classes will resume on Wednesday, April 2.

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International School Manila believes in inclusion. We aim to serve the international community and strive to support and educate all members of that community regardless of ability. 

We accept students with learning differences, including mild to severe learning disabilities, as long as we are confident in our ability to meet their needs. 


At International School Manila we take a collaborative approach to meet the needs of our learning support students. Our classroom teachers work alongside our learning support teachers, educational and teaching assistants, specialist teachers, speech and language pathologist and occupational therapists. These professionals, together with parents, provide high quality education and give our students the support they need. Each applicant is considered on an individual basis. The decision to admit a student with learning support needs is made by the Learning Support Resource Team (LSRT) in each division of the school (Elementary School, Middle School and High School). This multidisciplinary team is composed of Principals, Learning Support Program Leader, EAL Program Leader, Educational Psychologist and Counselors.


The Learning Support Department at International School Manila coordinates programs and services for students with learning needs. The model is based on the philosophy that students vary in their level of ability, achievement, motivation, and interest, and that individuals respond best to educational programs that provide appropriate challenges and meet their individual needs.


The Learning Support Program provides three levels of service. Levels of support are determined on an individual basis, according to each student’s identified special educational need. Determination of level of support is made by the Learning Support Resource Team (LSRT) based upon information such as classroom evidence and interventions, educational psychological and/or medical tests, and a student’s history of needs. Levels of support are reviewed on a regular basis by the LSRT and may be modified based on a learner's growth and change. While ISM prides itself on meeting as many students' needs as possible, the level of support identified for a particular student reflects what ISM is currently able to provide; it is not a contractual obligation between the School and its teachers or the School and parents of students identified for support.

  • Level 1 (LS1) In Learning Support Level 1 the student is working on the same instructional objectives and the same curriculum content as their peers but requires adaptations to the way the material is presented and/or to the way in which they demonstrate what they have learned. The Learning Support Plan is developed and coordinated by the Learning Support Teacher and implemented in conjunction with classroom teachers.Level 2 (LS2) In Learning Support 
  • Level 2 (LS2) a student typically works in the regular classroom with their peers but may require accommodations and some modification to the content of the curriculum and/or instructional practices under the direction of a Learning Support teacher. These are implemented through direct and indirect services in content classes and in Strategy Instruction class. The Learning Support Plan is developed and coordinated by the Learning Support teacher and supported by classroom teachers.
  • Level 3 (LS3) In Learning Support Level 3 the student requires significant modifications to the content of the curriculum and instructional practices. If necessary, explicit instruction in the development of social skills or other services provided by the professionals in the Specialized Learning Support Program will be made available. Curriculum is modified under the direction of a Learning Support teacher. Depending on the extent of the modifications to the curriculum it may lead to graduation with a modified high school diploma. Students will have support from an Educational Assistant who usually works 1:1 with the student to help meet the goals of the Learning Support Plan.

Blueprint for Success is a course aimed at developing executive functioning and emotional regulation skills, both critical to life and school success. The purpose of this course is to develop the study skills students will need to become independently organized and aim to improve their ability to complete tasks in a timely manner. 


Specialized Learning Support Program (SLSP)

The Specialized Learning Support Program (SLSP) serves students with significant learning needs, including intellectual or developmental disabilities. Students in this program are integrated into our regular ISM classrooms and activities to the greatest extent appropriate. The SLSP is taught by highly trained special educators and assistants, and includes support by other related service professionals such as Speech Language Pathologists, School Psychologists, and Occupational Therapists. Each student is provided with a Learning Support Plan, which includes individual goals developed based on an assessment of the student’s needs and skills. An individualized curriculum will focus on all academic and functional areas, including social-communication and behavioral needs.

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